La alfombrilla Velocità está hecha a medida para adaptarse perfectamente a la base de simuladores de carreras Velocità. Protege tu suelo y fija tu Velocità con el material antideslizante.
Goma antideslizante para asegurar que se mantenga en su lugar
El material de goma mantiene su suelo protegido de los arañazos
With the Arozzi Occhio you can have complete confidence that you attain true privacy at your request. Not only can you block the lens with a simple and handy magnetic lens cover, but also cut off electricity to the microphones through the Occhios manual circuit breaker.
BIFMA Certified
ANSI/BIFMA X5.1 Office Chairs is typically used to provide safety and performance requirements for chairs that are primarily designed for use in an office environment.
BIFMA X5.5-2021 provides a common basis for evaluating the safety, durability and structural performance of desk and table products intended for use in commercial office etc.
It provides test methods and performance requirements for desk and table products.
The breathable Soft Fabric™ material is designed for the body to stay cool for long term usage so you can stay focused. The durable fabric is also built to last with ISO tested qualities such as tear growth resistance, seam slippage resistance, and tensile strength
The Vento PU™ is a perforated automotive PU leather with great breathability.